MP3 Legal information - MP3s can be owned
legally, providing the following: you encode songs off of your own
CDs and keep them for yourself, obtain written permission from the
copyright holder of the music, or the music is available with the
copyright owner's consent. It is Illegal to encode MP3 files and
share them with any other entity unless you have written permission
of the copyright holder of the music. It is also Illegal to download
any songs or music off of the Internet for CDs you do not have in
your own possession and rightfully own or have no copyright holders
it is still possible to download and share your songs with people
all over the internet, MP3s are becoming a highly debated issue
between web sites and software containing MP3 files. Computer Hope
cannot provide legal information to end-users or web administrators
concerning MP3s; as a general rule we would recommend that users and
administrators follow the above paragraph.
What is Napster
Napster is a software application that allows users to easily search
and share MP3 files over the Internet without having to hassle with
broken links and inappropriate web sites. In addition, the user can
chat, play MP3 files within Napster and keep track of their favorite
MP3 listings.
The music industry was upset with the amount
of songs being traded over Napster and concerned of piracy issues.
Therefore, Napster and the music industry, after several months in
court, are no longer allowing Napster to trade free music. Later,
Napster and some of the music industries combined to help distribute
music at a cost. Upset with the music industry, many users are
looking for Napster alternatives.
Are MP3s Legal?
MP3s can be legally owned, providing the
following: you encode songs off of your own CDs and keep them for
yourself, obtain written permission from the copyright holder of the
music, or the music is available with the copyright owner's consent.
It is Illegal to encode or listen to, download, and/or share MP3
files with any other entity unless you have written permission of
the copyright holder of the music.
How do I listen to MP3 files once I have
downloaded some?
You need to have a Mpeg player that can
understand and play MP3 files; we recommend that you use WinAmp.
How do I make my own MP3s?
Before you can create your own MP3 files you must download an
encoder as well as a Riper application.
I'm having issues with WinAmp, where can I
find help?
We would recommend that you first look at our
Winamp section of our web site.
What sound card do I need to listen to
Any new sound card should be able to play MP3s
as long as the system is meeting the system requirements for the MP3
Player. MP3s require no special hardware to play.
A Quick Definition:
MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3) is a type of technology that allows a
music or audio file to be compressed down into a very small amount
of space (about one-twelfth the size of that on a traditional audio
CD) while preserving the original level of sound quality when it is
played. These files can be downloaded from the Internet, or can
played by software on your computer. However, even though many MP3
files are offered on CD's, most normal CD players will not currently
play MP3 audio files directly. You will need either a special MP3
player, or a software program such as WinAmp or Real Jukebox on your
computer in order to actually listen to the files. The technology
exist that will play both regular audio and MP3 Cd's, but these
players are still very expensive.
MP3 files (identified with the file name suffix of ".mp3") are
available for downloading from a number of Web sites. Many Windows
98 users will find that they have a player built into their
operating system. Otherwise, you can download a player from one of
several popular MP3 sites. MP3 files are usually download-and-play
files rather than streaming sound files that you link-and-listen-to
with RealPlayer and similar products (However, streaming MP3 is
possible). Winamp (PC), MacAmp (Mac), and mpeg123 (UNIX) are popular
MP3 players, but there are many others. To create an MP3 file, you
use a program called a "ripper" to get a selection from a CD onto
your hard disk, and another program called an "encoder" to convert
the selection to an MP3 file. Most people, however, simply download
MP3s from someone else and play them.
Why Is MP3 Such A Great Thing?
Since the audio files are in digital format, they can be highly
compressed in size. Thus they take much less time to transmit over
data lines such as network cable and telephone modems. They can also
be stored in electronic format on memory cards and hard drives much
easier than normal audio files, taking up much less space than
straight audio (.wav files). This makes them ideal for "uploading"
to a portable player and taking on the road! Since they are
basically just computer data, they can be stored "in memory", rather
than needing a CD with its larger, bulkier player. Most current
portable MP3 players are about the size of a pack of cards!
Is Downloading Free MP3 Files Illegal?
Yes and No. Since it is relatively easy to create MP3 files from CD
selections and make them available on Web sites for downloading,
companies and sites that promote the MP3 format are sometimes
accused of encouraging copyright violations. (It is illegal to copy
music from a CD and redistribute it unless you have the copyright
owner's permission.) On the other hand, MP3 enthusiasts claim that
what CD publishers are afraid of is any kind of non-CD distribution.
While there are several proposals for how to discourage such piracy,
there is currently no secure distribution and copyright management
standard that publishers and other parties agree upon. Several Web
sites are promoting MP3 as both a high-quality audio format and as a
way in which self-publishers can gain ready access to an audience.
Currently, some music publishers are providing sample cuts in the
MP3 format as a way to entice users to buy a CD. However, not much
mainstream copyrighted material is available except as an illegal
You can legally share these files with others, however, if you
attempt to make a profit off of them by selling or distributing them
in conjunction with another product, then you will be in violation
of their copyright.
How to use MP3 ?
Here are some good links for information on what MP3 is all about,
why it is so popular, and what are some of the basic things you need
to know to maximize your enjoyment of (and minimize your frustration
with...) this media.
* Help at
* How do I "Download" MP3s
* Music Match FAQ Page
* Real JukeBox Frequently Asked Questions
* QuickTime 4.0 Tech Info/FAQ
How to Install My New MP3 Player:--------------------
1. From the vendor's web site, follow their instruction for
obtaining the program.
2. Upon clicking their download link, you will see a pop-up window
which will ask you to run the file, or save it to disk. Chose "Save
To Disk."
3. Save the file to your hard drive, in a place you can find it
again. Commonly this will be C:\Download or C:\Temp.
4. Once the file is finished downloading, begin the installation
process by "running" the program. To do this from Windows 95/98/NT:
* Click On the Start Button in the lower left hand corner of your
* Select "Run."
* Click "Browse."
* Find the location on your hard drive where the file was stored.
* Select the file so that it is highlighted in blue, and click OK.
Then click OK again.
* Follow the O-Screen Instructions to install the program on your
After you have a MP3 player installed, simply double-click on the
MP3 file that you downloaded to listen!
Minimum System Requirements for MP3 Players:
Windows 95/98/NT:
* 133MHz Intel Pentium processor or equivalent
* 16MB of RAM
* 28.8Kpbs modem
* 16-bit sound card and speakers
* A PowerPC processor. based Macintosh computer
* At least 16MB of RAM
* Mac OS 7.5.5 or later
* Browser support: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or later or
Netscape 4.05 or later
1.Right click on the file name and click
"Save Target As" or "Save Link As".
1. You may have to type in the file name.
(i.e. "A More Excellent Way Part 1.mp3")
2. Then save it to your hard drive.
3. Download one of the MP3 players to play the files.
4. If the FTP link does not work, try the HTTP link.
Want To Download MP3s
Ans: The Best Sites Of Mp3 Which Will Provide You recent Mp3s
and chance to listen and Download Your Favorite Music.
Have More Information ?
Several websites on the Internet allow users to download MP3
files for free. Since it is not illegal to share music which is not
copyrighted, free downloading of MP3 files is becoming increasingly
popular amongst music lovers. This way, they get to listen to music
almost free of cost. Some of the widely accessed free download sites
include Bearshare, Winmx, Napster among others.
However, unauthorized downloads of copyrighted music is deemed
illegal. Unauthorized downloads of music is termed music piracy. It
is responsible for the music industry losing millions of dollars
each year. The artists also suffer because the royalty which the
artist receives on the sale of their music gets drastically reduced.
It is always advisable to purchase copyrighted music in MP3 format
from authorized music or online stores that sell the music singles
or albums at reasonable rates.
Free MP3 downloads are a good option for upcoming artists and bands
who can promote their music by uploading their music to their own
websites or to websites that promote new talent. Such websites are
frequented by a large audience of music lovers and allowing free
downloads can help a band reach a huge audience at a very low cost.
Free MP3s can be downloaded from a large number of sites and a
consumer can choose from a wide variety of songs and artists that
are offered. However, most of these downloads often have a very slow
transfer rate or they are not by original artists. The time required
to download MP3 files mainly depends on the server on which the
files are hosted and the speed of your Internet connection.
Broadband users can typically download a song in MP3 format in a
couple of minutes.
MP3 Downloads provides detailed information on MP3 Downloads, Free
MP3 Downloads, MP3 Download Software, MP3 Download Sites and more.
MP3 Downloads is affiliated with CD Covers. |